These are some notes I’ve taken while watching Flask for Fun and Profit, a PyCon Talk by Armin Ronacher, about some best practice approaches on different topics related to Flask. I linked to the video and the slides for several sections. Later I might add a template for a Flask based API thing which contains all of these snippets.

Where does Flask come from? 📖


  • Flask <- Werkzeug
  • Werkzeug <- WSGITools
  • WSGITools <- Colubrid
  • Colubrid <- lots of PHP / “Pocoo”


  • trac:
    • nice plugin design
    • wrote low level code for dealing with webserver itself. it’s own:
      • fast_cgi driver
      • CGI implementation
      • driver for mod_python
  • there was no base transport layer.
  • idea: create a “standard” implementation.
  • only provide the bare minimum

Why do people like it? 📖

  • API reasonates with people
    • There is e.g. an Amazon Lambda in Python
  • Small footprint

What it’s good at 📖

  • Small, HTML heavy CRUD sites, e.g. wiki, cms, community forum
  • Good for micorservices

What it’s bad at 📖

  • High performance Async IO. Reason: WSGI.
  • there are clones though, for e.g. twisted.

My Favourite Flask App Structure 📖


from flask import Flask

def create_app(config=None):
    app = Flask(__name__) # "dummy object"
    app.config.update(config or {})
    register_blueprints(app) # store all app code in blueprints.
    return app

Benefits of this:

  • you can create multiple create_app’s, e.g. another one for unit testing purposes
  • problem: application object is encapsulated in a function. thus put your stuff into blueprints.


from werkzeug.utils import find_modules, import_string

def register_blueprints(app):
    for name in find_modules('myapp.blueprints'):
        mod = import_string(name)
        if hasattr(mod, 'blueprint'):
  • accesses modules via their path. expects common structure.

Optional Contained App 📖

from flask import Flask

class MyThing(object):

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.flask_app = create_app(config)
        self.flask_app.my_thing = self

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        return self.flask_app(environ, start_response)
  • Goal: Clean up the namespace. Makes sense when you’re exposing an (python?) API to others

Development Runner 📖

How to configure it?

from myapp import create_app
app = create_app({
        'DATABASE_URI': 'sqlite:////tmp/my-appdb.db',

To run this, use flask bash command, like this:

$ export FLASK_APP=`pwd`/
$ export FALSK_DEBUG=1
$ flask run
# [... running via ...]

Benefits of this (vs.

  • The runner will not die on syntax errors.
  • Less work when reloading, setup code will only run once.
  • No dropped connections, because the server runs on while reloading your app.

Don’t deploy debugger!

Context Locals 📖

  • Globals: current_app and g objects
  • This splits opinions. “Global variables are terrible”. But: they still have to be hidden somewhere, e.g. connection pooling in Django.
  • Since it’s needed, it could be “embraced”, so everybody sees what’s going on.

Other Context Objects 📖

  • Two Contexts, four global variables for HTTP Requests:
    • request context bound:
      • flask.request
      • flask.session
    • app context bound:
      • flask.g
      • flask.current_app
  • App context tears down at the end of a request. It’s automatically created on request. This is cheap to create and not complex to understand.
  • collects information for the current execution (request, cronjob, …)
    • e.g. security context, language() context

Resource Management 📖

  • cf. documentation.
    • creates DB as soon as it’s needed
    • end of request, it will be closed.
    • In Flask you need to do it explicitely, opposed to Django
    • Another example: User management.


Result Wrapper

from flask import json, Response

class ApiResult(object):

    def __init__(self, value, status=200):
        self.value = value
        self.status = status

    def to_response(self):
        return Response(json.dumps(self.value),
  • “I don’t use extensions […] because I want to have API endpoints to be consistent”
    • Headers
    • Whitespaces
    • Variables
    • Mimetype
    • Pagination (Link vs custom headers)
    • Rate Limiting Information

Response Converter 📖

from flask import Flask

class ApiFlask(Flask):

    def make_response(self, rv):
        if isinstance(rv, ApiResult):
            return rv.to_response()
        # mimetype: text/html
        return Flask.make_response(self, rv)

API Errors 📖

from flask import json, Response

class ApiException(object):

    def __init__(self, message, status=400):
        self.message = message
        self.status = status

    def to_result(self):
        return ApiResult({'message': self.message},

Add Error Handler (I think, this should be called from create_app?):

def register_error_handlers(app):
        ApiException, lambda err: err.to_result())

Demo API 📖

from flask import Blueprint

bp = Blueprint('demo', __name__)

def add_numbers():
    a = request.args('a', type=int) # you should use request.args.get...
    b = request.args('b', type=int)
    if a is None or b is None:
        rais ApiException('Numbers must be integers')
    return ApiResult({'sum': a + b})
  • Functions return nice objects that can be tested easily.

Validation / Serialization 📖

  • Python is bad at this. “I hate this”
  • “One that works for me: voluptuous”

voluptuous 101 📖

from flask import request
from voluptuous import Invalid

def dataschema(schema):
    # "standard kebap"
    def decorator(f):
        def new_func(*args, **kwargs):
            except Invalid as e:
                raise ApiException('Invalid data: %s (path "%s")' %
                                    (e.msg, '.'.join(e.path)))
            return f(*args, **kwargs)
        return update_wrapper(new_func, f)
    return decorator

voluptuousified view

from voluptuous import Schema, REMOVE_EXTRA

@app.route('/add', methods=['POST'])
    'a': int,
    'b': int,
}, extra=REMOVE_EXTRA))
def add_numbers():
    return ApiResult({'sum': a + b})
  • Handrolling gives you control and the error handling will be way nicer

Control the API: Pagination 📖

  • Extend ApiResult slightly

Security! 📖

  • You have to know how the context in Flask works
  • You have to control the “tooling”
  • You have to control where the user data comes from
  • Make the code aware of the context it’s executed at.
    • app with customers. each one is supposed to see customer related information.
    • it get’s complicated with scaffolding, like being part of an organization
    • example: fixed filter get_available_organizations
  • cf. to old PHP code that printed out strings. XSS vulnerable!
    • sanitization does not really work
    • you need to consider the context. where is the string used?
    • e.g. tmeplate -> HTML -> will be escaped accordingly
    • or: JSON Escaping (). Serialize it as safe as possible.
  • Simplify the API
  • What does the data look like? Where is it used?

Testing! 📖

  • Fixtures: Run common code as part of your test, before and after you tests, automatic management.

Basic Example 📖

import pytest

# entire model calls this only once.
def app(request): # depends on "request" (dependency injection)
    from yourapp import create_app
    app = create_app(...)
    ctx = app.app_context()
    return app

Example Test:

def test_app_name(app): # inject app fixture here.
    assert == 'mypackage'

More Fixtures

def test_client(request, app):
    client = app.test_client()
        lambda: client.__exit__(None, None, None))
    return client

Example View Test

def test_welcome_view(test_client):
    rv = test_client.get('/welcome')
    assert 'set-cookie' not in rv.headers
    assert b'Welcome' in
    assert rv.status_code == 200
  • pytest used to do a lot of magic. It got better.
  • The assert’s get rewritten behind the scenes

Websockets and Stuff 📖

  • “You don’t do that with Flask”

I wasn’t interested so much in the rest of the talk, so I stopped taking notes.