Daily Journal
Here’s what I’ve done and not done.
debugging bootloader, computer history, airport [day 37]
bootloader, strategy, chinese fastfood [day 36]
virtualization, frustration, mental models [day 35]
books, visidata, poker [day 34]
prototyping, pairing, sharing [day 33]
perfectionism, x from scratch, product-ivity [day 32]
momentum, over the whelm, libre the planet [day 31]
shipping up to boston [day 30]
docs, content, social things [day 29]
scheme2lua, zulip bugs, reading bugs me [day 28]
mongodb, bookstore, api [day 27]
tic toe tac, galois fields, data structures [day 26]
stack, interrupt, zero [day 25]
mapping, looping, dealing [day 24]
bloat, c++, oz [day 23]
snow, sharing, wargames [day 22]
difference lists, emacs, soup [day 21]
writing, riddling, learning [day 2]
First day at Recurse Center